Monday, September 28, 2009

Sleep or the lack there of.

I'm not sure what's up with this, but I think I'm going to be stopping by the acupuncture free clinic the Midwest runs.
Ever since I moved here to Chicago I've been having trouble sleeping. I've been waking up between 4-5 am. I have no idea why...not sure if its because I'm not use to the EL running past or if its because other then going school and the library I've not really been that active this last week. I have no idea, but its not pleasant.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Day After

So yesterday was my first day of classes at Midwest College of Oriental Medicine (MCOM). Here are some very important things I discovered yesterday:
One) It DOES NOT take anywhere near 17 minutes like google maps said it does to take the bus from my area of Edgewater to get over towards Montrose and the school it took maybe 10. So I got there nearly an hour early. Being a bit fearful I would be late for my first day of classes I left early, thinking well its nearly a twenty minute bus ride, I'll only be about 30 minutes early. Boy was I wrong, lucky the Jewel was open so I just wandered around there for a while looking at everything and hoping that I can expand on my collection of food soon since my apartment is getting a little bare.
Two) Midwest's program is intense! But I like it that way! I was in class from 9:00 to 6:00 normally it would in fact run to 6:45 but we got out early.
Three) There is a great little grocery store right across from the school which name escapes me for the moment but I'll post here in a moment, and no I don't mean the Jewel I mean a little convenient store.
Four) I need to buy a nicer pair of shoes then I have for days I'm going to be in clinic
Five) I need to buy a lab coat a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff.

Introduction to Qi cago!

This blog is going to be a mixture of many things. But its main focus will be on my life here in the Big City of Chicago, and my studying of Oriental Medicine at the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine here in Chicago.
Through all of this I also will be chronicling my journey towards healthier living, and just general living in a Big City for the first time.

Things I hope to cover:
Taijichuan, Baguazhang, and Qigong
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Nutritional theory as it relates to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Restaurants in the Edgewater area.
Reviving my currently defunct blog "A Laymen's Guide to Alternative Medicine"
Exploring Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism in general and specifically how they relate to TCM